Running every inch of every trail in
this park (with some necessary doubling back - look at the map of the preserve here) was
a near-lightspeed 1:44:03. (Yes, people did say I looked blue as I approached them. Don't like Doppler shift humor? Then you and I can't hang out.) I predict this time will stand for
2 years, maybe longer. You might think I am confident of this because of my lightning-fast time. But no, it's because this was a preview of the park, available only to the elite outdoor enthusiasts of Sonoma County who gave money to the
Parks Foundation and the park won't be open, per a ranger in attendance, for A COUPLE YEARS! And to prevent others from stealing this coveted title in the hypercompetitive world of trail-completist FKTs, I waited to post this until the preview closed, which it did as of 12 MINUTES AGO!
Also the holly is officially OUT.