Thursday, December 7, 2017

Very Low Carb Day 6

Day 6:
  • glass of milk with whey protein powder
  • 3 slices of bacon
  • 1.3 lbs of pain fried ground beef, fat poured off, scooped into lettuce "sandwiches"
  • 1 chile
  • 2 protein-style burgers from In-N-Out
  • 1 glass of milk with protein powder
Workout: None.

Effects: no cravings, although I spend most of the day inside the house with my wife and newborn, and when I went out to get the In-N-Out, exposure to all the convenience store and fast food logos did trip my circuits a bit (but not THAT much. Really didn't have to exercise that much willpower.) Oddly sore in triceps and platysmus and don't know why.

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