Sunday, December 3, 2017

Very Low Carb Day 3

Day 3:
  • 1 cup of coffee with half and half
  • burrito bowl with carne asada, lettuce, beans, guac and sour cream (guy at pick-up window: "Are you doing paleo?")
  • 2 black pepper-crusted tilapia fillets
  • 1 Crystal Light pitcher with caffeine (40 sugar calories)
  • 8 slices cotto salami with 2 chili peppers
Workout: flat 7.7 mile run which was MUCH MUCH harder than it otherwise would have been. Needed many breaks, couldn't sustain my normal pace for more than a couple hundred yards. I hadn't done weights for a long time and when I got back, decided to do bench presses and had to give up after 2 of my normal 3 sets, with a weak second set. Definitely feeling the effect here. Solution: more cardio! "Ve have vays of making you more insulin sensitive."

Effects: besides the crash and burn on my exercise as above, I was very hungry when I woke up and didn't eat until 1pm, but not still not dying. No incredible cravings like some people report. I continue feeling full after I eat.

I have terrible dietary discipline, so I'm a combination of ashamed and proud to admit that this may be the longest I've stuck to a major dietary change. Being in a heightened state of awareness and self-control due to my daughter's birth (and wanting to be healthy for her) likely has a lot to do with that.

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