Friday, December 22, 2017

The View From Your Window in Pennsylvania

When god of all bloggers Andrew Sullivan was still doing his thing, he had a series called "The View From Your Window". His readers from all over would take pictures from their window and send them in, Sully would pick one and put it up, and there was a prize for the reader who guessed the closest location. People half a world away sometimes actually guessed the exact window in a building that the picture had been taken from! Every now and then I tried but never won - there were one or two clearly California ones, and one of Wellington New Zealand that like many San Franciscans I believed was San Francisco. (I've since been to Wellington, and the resemblance is not merely passing.)

But as soon as I saw this picture I knew it was clearly taken in Pennsylvania. Specifically, central Pennsylvania.

The older wood-sided plainly-painted houses, the yellow leaves and gray rolls of cloud, and the Appalachian ridge in the background - there's really nowhere else it could be. The picture was taken on a fall day in Muncy, PA, near Williamsport.

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